Thursday, 28 August 2014


“And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” (Luk 1:35 KJV)

The Holy Spirit is God! When Jesus was to be born, the Holy Spirit came upon Mary, the power of God “overshadowed” her and she conceived miraculously.  To overshadow means to cast a shadow upon, to envelop, or to embrace. Mary was not the only one in the Bible to have the Holy Spirit overshadow her, many others share this wonderful experience and had great results to show for it. The greatest cry for my life today is that the Holy Ghost would envelop me and never let go till I become all I was born to be! When the Holy Spirit overshadows a man these follow:
Leaders are empowered for excellent prophetic service.  E.g. the 70 Elders (Num.11:25); Othniel (Judges 3:9-10); Saul (1Sam.10:10). Every leader in the home, church, market place, government etc. needs the Holy Spirit to succeed. The failure of leadership in all fronts is a direct result of reliance on human wisdom and abilities. When the Holy Spirit envelopes a man, He gives him supernatural help to influence others positively. He is able to easily mobilise people to achieve great goals. Are you a leader? Why don’t you ask the Holy Spirit to come upon you today?
Ordinary people become extra-ordinary. Gideon (Judges 6:34); Jephthah (Judges 11:29); Elisha (2Kings 2:9, 15); God always picks up ordinary folk (in fact all men are ordinary) and does extra-ordinary things with them. Any man you see doing extra ordinary things for God is a man overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. 1Sam.16:13 is the secret of everything we know about David. The Holy Spirit came upon a shepherd boy who could not even get the recommendation of his father, and history was altered forever. Goliath died. The city of David was born. A dynasty of kings was given. Even the Saviour is still called ‘son of David’. Only the Holy Spirit can make a fisher man to become a Fisher of Men! Only the Holy Spirit can make a persecutor of Christians to become a persecuted Christian! You too can become extra ordinary in your generation. Say it loud, OVERSHADOW ME THOU HOLY GHOST!
Creative Miracles take place. Mary (Luke 1:35); Earth (Gen. 1:1-2) Mary without the agency of a man conceived a child! Many can’t believe this. I do because I have seen the Holy Spirit create new wombs, new eyes, intestines etc. Many still don’t believe that too, well there is nothing I can do for you. Do you however, need something new to be created for you? The same Spirit that overshadowed the waters and created the earth will overshadow you and create it for you.  Lift up your voice and pray: HOLY GHOST, overshadow me now in Jesus name!
There is deliverance for the captives. The Philistines thought it was all over, they had arrested their troubler. He was in chains! Then the Holy Ghost cast His shadow upon him, the ropes melted like wax, Samson simply snapped them off his hands and feet and got up in the power of the Holy Ghost, the captors lay all around dead as he killed a thousand with an ordinary donkey’s bone!  (Judges 15:14)
You can only be held down if you are bereft of the embrace of the Holy Spirit. I’ve never seen flies sitting on top of hot objects. If you are overshadowed by the Holy Ghost, He will set you free from any form of captivity. Much more He will empower ordinary weapons to deadly effect upon your enemies. Shout it loud and clear “Holy Ghost, please embrace me now!”

The above is not an exhaustive listing of what the Holy Spirit will do when He overshadows you, but it’s an appetizer to stir you up to pray this prayer with all that is within you. I suggest to you that more than anything you need, you need the Holy Spirit to envelope you totally. For the rest of this week, make this your one prayer: Holy Ghost, please overshadow me with your power. Shalom!