Thursday, 2 September 2010


1 Tim 6:6-10

Definition: Contentment is internal satisfaction which does not demand changes in external circumstances. It does not rely on getting all you want but on enjoying what you have.

What Contentment is not.

  • It is not an acceptance of poverty, failure or mediocrity: 3John 2; 2Pet.1:3; Math. 6:25,31; Deut 28:11-14;

The scriptures clearly states that God intends for his children to enjoy a decent, healthy, holy and fulfilled life. Believers in Christ are not consigned to poverty and second-ratism, but are destined to greatness. Contentment, therefore, is not synonymous with failure and backwardness.

  • It is not having everything in this life. Eccl.5:10-12; Luke 12:15-21 e.g. Paul 2Cor 1:1-10; Jesus Math. 26:39,42,44.

Contentment does not come by having everything in life. In fact, God odes not promise us that we will have all we want. The Rich fool thought he had all he wanted but alas death came for him. Even Jesus Christ could not have all he wanted – to evade the cross! Paul prayed thrice and god a resounding NO! If any man waits until all his prayers are answered he will never find contentment.

What Contentment is.

  • It is a heart set wholly on God. It finds full satisfaction in knowing and loving God. 1Tim 6:6 (godliness); Heb 13:5-6; 1Tim 3:3; Math. 6:24, 33; Phil 3:7-11.

Real contentment comes from a heart set on God. When a heart is completely abandoned to God it enters a rest that cannot be explained. Contentment is to be satisfied with God – alone. Most believers are today caught in a materialism trap. Unconsciously, we begin to love money and what it can buy until it begins to seriously compete with our love for God. To know and Love God more must remain our one consuming passion.

  • It is appreciating and enjoying what God has already done and is doing for me. Eg Esther 2:13-15; Contrast with Eve Gen 3:6; Eccl. 5:18-20.

“What you want for me is best for me.” That’s the maxim of a contented heart. Esther was satisfied with what was provided for her and she found out later that it was enough to win her the crown. Eve wanted more than what God provided and really got it, to-date we suffer for it. Contentment is focusing your joy on what God has done, what he has made available. It a deliberate decision not to focus on what is yet to be, but on what is and to enjoy it. Look around you and you will find enough to be grateful to God about.

  • It is a refusal to be enticed by what others have (or what I don’t have). Eg Israel- 1sam. 8:5, 19-22; David – 2Sam. 12:8.

Israel wanted to like others. David wanted another man’s wife. What others have always looks like it’s better than what we have. I see children checking one another’s meat to see who has a bigger chunk. Adults check out on other people’s cars, houses, clothes, positions and even wives (husbands)! You will always find someone with something you think is better. Contentment is enjoying what you have and closing your eyes to what others have.

  • It is a decision to love and serve God joyfully no matter the circumstances of life. Eg Paul – Phil 4:11-13; Rom. 8:35-39; Phil 1:18-24.

Contentment is enjoying life no matter what it throws at you. If abundance come you enjoy it, if scarcity come you enjoy it all the same. That way nothing can separate you from God.

  • It is resting and trusting God to supply all present and future needs. Psalm 121:1-2; 123:1-4; 23:1-6

Those who are contented look to God for today and tomorrow’s needs. They relax in his everlasting arms.

  • It comes from knowing that this world and all that is in it is passing away. Eccl. 5:15-16; 1Tim 6:7

There is nothing in this world we can take with us. The great houses of the 1960’s have become ugly to our eyes today. The ones we are building now will be ugly in the eyes of our grandchildren. In the end when the trumpet sounds or we are called home this world will be of no use. Why be so engrossed in the transient? Contentment is to focus your life on things eternal and refuse to be enchanted by the glamour of the ephemeral, even the mundane.

Dangers of lack of contentment.

  • Lack of joy and peace
  • Snares and troubles 1Tim 6:9-10;
  • The work of God suffers. 1Pet.5:2; Phil 3:19; 2:19-22

When Pastors and other Ministers of the Gospel also become earthly-focused and join the rat-race to the top it is the very work of God that suffers. It is sad, but since the days of Paul, a majority of Ministers only think of what they can get for themselves. Paul said, they all seek their own things and not the things of Christ!

Benefits of Contentment.

  • Joy, Peace and rest of mind
  • All needs are met. Contentment is evidence of faith. Math 6:33

Contentment brings a man all that God intended for him. A contented heart is positioned for more than it could ever dream of. God knows what is good for us and He will give it to us if we are contented with Him.

  • You will make heaven.


Ask God to tear from your heart everything that tries to take His place of prominence in your heart. Reject envy, jealousy and the penchant for looking at what others have. Tell your heart to be satisfied with God and His provision. Even if some of your prayers receive a NO or are still in the pending tray on God’s table, Rejoice in the Lord and again I say Rejoice!