Friday, 25 March 2011

On Becoming a Champion

1Samuel 17:23-51
Pastor E A Adeboye, defines a Champion as “the one who remains standing after a battle.” In this life we all face and fight battles. The winners are called Champions or Victors; the losers are called Failures or Victims. We have to choose what we want to be when the battle is over. If you choose to be a Champion then you need to know what you need to overcome. There are lessons to be learned from David, the champion over Goliath.
The response of the Crowd to the challenges of life (verse 23-26). Life is full of challenges: economic, spiritual, social, satanic etc. A Champion must face each challenge and emerge victorious. You will notice that the crowd of soldiers at the battle front had one response to Goliath, the challenger – fear. They all fled fearfully at his presence. David responded differently and so must you if you want to be a Champion.
The reason we don’t have so many champions is because only few choose to act differently when confronted with Life’s challenges. You don’t have to think, say and act the same way as everyone else. You don’t have to dress, talk and walk like every one else. Be YOU and I’m gonna be ME!
The jeers of those who don’t believe in you (especially from your family) – verse 28. One battle every one has to fight is the sneering laughter of sincere but doubting friends and family. David’s brothers were the first to tell him off on his quest to become a champion. “Get out of here, you can’t do this, this is no child’s play” I wonder where Eliab was when the women were singing the praises of David after the death of Goliath.
Until you refuse to listen to those folks who don’t believe in you, your life’s plane will not even take off. Notice that Jesus’ brothers didn’t believe in him (John 7:3-5, 10), so were Joseph’s brothers (Gen.37:4-5, 8, 11). Don’t hate them, but ignore them. Don’t fight them; learn all you can from them. Don’t copy them, be different and soon you will be celebrated.
The opinions of experts and authority figures. (verse 32-37). One amusing fact of life is that many so called experts are actually ignorant people. Does Saul actually know who is qualified to fight Goliath? Why has he not recruited the man up till now? I remember a Lecturer telling us we could not pass Stat101 back then in University. I passed along with 8 others out of a class of about 160. Most of my mates failed on that first day of lecture because they believed the expert!
If we had listened to experts, there would be no Aeroplanes, no faster computers, and no cars speeding above 60km/h! Someone refused to listen to experts that’s why you have ‘facebook’, ‘google’ etc. So you want to be a Champion – listen to my expert advice – YOU CAN!
Old methods that have no value today. (verse 38-40) Why would Saul give David the weapons that could not fight Goliath for 40days? What worked yesterday may not necessarily work today. David rejected their old tricks and found a better way. Most times, the experts would have us do it the way they did it. “This is the way we do it here” anytime you hear that you need to be very careful, else you will fail the way they have always failed! THERE IS ALWAYS A BETTER WAY.
The content may be the same, but the packaging can always change. David found that this was not a battle of javelins, bows and arrows but one of stones and slings! Think, pray, study and meditate, God will give you ideas to defeat your Goliath.
The intimidation of your challenges (verse 41-48). Life’s challenges can be intimidating. I recall my first examination in Primary 1. It was a verbal exam and I went to ease my self many times before I was called in to face my teacher. Now I know that reciting a,b,c… is so easy, then it was intimidating. I suggest to you that every challenge you face is as simple as a,b,c! That is after you have won.
Before the battle you have to refuse to be intimidated. Goliath wanted to intimidate David and win without a fight, but David roared greater intimidation back at Goliath. You have to learn to intimidate the Devil and every challenge you face. The student who enters an exam hall chanting ‘I’m going to make an A’ is most likely to do better than the one who goes in trembling at the thought of an ‘F’. No matter what comes your way, say it loud ‘I KNOW THAT I CAN MAKE IT’
Kill your Goliath! (Verse 45-51) Whenever you meet a Goliath, cut his ugly head off. That’s the only way to be a Champion. Goliath is anything that you have to defeat in order to be a Champion. If you face an exam, finish it up at the top (the head!), if you face a temptation to sin – cut it off. Don’t go for half measures. Why didn’t David just knock Goliath unconscious to teach him a lesson about pride, as in, not despising someone because of his size? Goliath will learn that lesson in Hell.
You have a friend luring you to sin- cut him off! You have a habit preventing you from becoming a Champ – cut it off. Laziness, procrastination, loquacity, anger… CUT IT OFF!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

What on earth is God doing?

I am becoming increasingly disturbed by the negativism that fills comments about the issues that matter to my heart: the Church and the nation (Nigeria). Let me just share my thoughts and leave the rest for you to ponder and may be comment.
  1. God is at work in every generation and really we can't hinder God. We talk as if our generation is the worst since Adam. Remember Sodom and Noah's days before that. Remember Nimrod and Babel.The earth has and will continue to know evil till Jesus returns. In the midst of that evil, God's light continues and will continue to shine. To focus on the evil so much that we are blinded to what God is doing is a mark of ingratitude.
  2. Perfection will never be attained on earth. If it were possible, God will not promise a new heaven and a new earth. One day God is going to be done with this world and will then wipe it out. When I see imperfections in People, Governments, Church organisations etc it only reminds me that we are called to prepare men for heaven and not to perfect the earth. So I REFUSE TO COMPLAIN UNNECESSARILY!
  3. The Church is too precious to be constantly battered. If you constatntly tell me and others how bad my wife is, even if you are right I would soon hate you. The Church is the Bride of Christ, let's love her and pray for her rather than condemn her regularly. By the way I am part of that Bride, so polish me rather than constant rebuke. I've learned with my children that folks learn by encouragement more than by constant rebuke.
  4. The way some of our Brethren talk about Leaders in the Church, you would think they were telling God, 'I'm the only one still doing right on this big ball'. Remember Elijah and the hidden Prophets! Boy, be sincere, you're not perfect, so stop insisting that others must be perfect. Again, by constantly criticising Church Leaders (many are actually spiritually sick!) instead of praying for them, we forget what God is doing on earth. He has not abandoned His Church. You know what? I'm still shinning my imperfect light at Osogbo and it's driving some darkness away! Celebrate that.
  5. Now about the nation. Who's the leader we can trust? We criticise each one. Let's make YOU the next President! I would not Vote for Me! I Pastor a Congregation of about 1500 (including Children) and it's ... HECTIC..what else? I Pray, Fast, Teach, rebuke, encourage, cry,... and wait! Those who lead at home know leadership is not easy. The Bible commands to pray for those in authority, let's do that. The critic role is not for me. Which Nation would you like Nigeria to become like? America, UK, Canada, Dubai,Japan,... your answer makes me laugh! NAIJA FOR LIFE!
  6. So when am upset about what is going on in the Church and Nation, what do I do? Pray and if possible offer constructive analysis and proffer solutions. And do that with humility, fear and trembling. Sometimes I see a tinge of arrogance in our comments. e.g It's very easy for someone who is not a Pastor to criticise we Pastors. One common criticism is that I don't make my church to be Missions minded. Like I said earlier, I wish they were, just as I wish they all knew Jesus and had a closer walk with Him. I'm doing my best (whatever that is) and leaving the rest to God. So you pray for me and send your loving advice.
  7. I've been studying about revivals and praying for one since I was a teenage young believer. I'm still expecting one. But would a revival cure all the ills of the Church? My studies don't prove that. In fact it could increase our problems. More converts to disciple, more pretenders to deal with (suprised?), more poor at the doors of the church looking for food and clothes. More sick folks needing Pastor's prayer. Those will be good problems, but problems are problems. So I continue to pray for revival. Much more I pray - Lord Jesus come. MARANATHA!